GVL Employment Climbs Over 4,000

MONROVIA – Recent employment of over 46 persons in Sinoe and Grand Kru Counties puts Golden Veroleum Liberia employment base at a little over 4,000 Liberians being employed so far in the country, the company has announced. The company in a release said the move is in fulfillment of a pledged made earlier this year that it would employed additional 1,000 Liberians in 2015. The release quotes GVL Spokesman Stephen Binda as saying that employment is still ongoing. The company said of the total new recruits, 24 hails from Nitrian Community in Kpanyan District, Sinoe County, while 22 originate from Ylatwen, and Wedabo-Grandcess Administrative District Grand Kru County. Of the new hired, the company also employed a professional medical practitioner to cater to health needs of employees in Sorroken, Grand Kru County.


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