
Concession Agreement

Concession Agreement between Golden Veroleum Liberia and the Government of the Republic of Liberia

Standard Operating Procedures

GVL also has SOPs on Agronomy Operations which are documented in the GVL Green Book. The Green Book includes standards and best practices in soil and peat management, Palm Oil Waste management, use of pesticides and fertilizers. GVL practices Integrated Pest Control which achieves its goals by making use of manual methods, the natural enemies of oil palm pests and ecologically benign insecticides. GVL does not use Paraquat. The Green Book also specifies zero burning for and clearing. Fire monitoring is following the RSPO firewatch on geoRSPO platform.

Sustainability Reports

GVL complies to Liberian Government and RSPO regulations on Environmental and Social Impact Assessments and performs these by licensed assessors in compliance to EPA and RSPO/HCVRN requirements. All developments are subject to RSPO New Planting Procedures. Please refer to RSPO NPP website for submissions

Write to us if you have any concerns and/or inputs
Copyright @ 2024 Golden Veroleum Liberia