Sustainability Action Plan

The Sustainability Action Plan (SAP) was introduced by GVL in August 2018 as a means by the company to strengthen its sustainability processes and practices, implement RSPO Complaints Panel Directives and address identified issues. Implementation of the SAP officially commenced in September 2018 with the advisory support of Earthworm Foundation (EF). Please refer to the project tracking worksheet for detailed progress update here:

a. Improving FPIC Processes

  • Revise and update FPIC SOP in line with feedback from stakeholders and latest and latest RSPO P&C guidance.
  • Review policies and procedures for conflict resolution and mediation. Includes enhancing GVL’s capacity for documenting and reporting conflict mediation and problem solving, when addressing specific phases in the development of land use and management measures;
  • Strengthening the capacity of the company’s Sustainability Department to ensure their ability address community issues and to proactively engage with stakeholders.

b. Improving HCV-HCS Processes
To resolve all current HCV-HCS issues, and to institute measure for their effective identification, management and monitoring. On-going activities include:

  • Desktop review of HCS assessment work done by GVL in the various concession areas;
  • Assessment of company staff capacity to carrying out the respective management activities;
  • Review HCS assessments in preparation for submission to HCSA;
  • Review of the HCV-HCS documentation process to ensure that they are available and accessible to communities;
  • Assess the quality participatory mapping in the FPIC process as part of the community MoU elaborate process (representation, benefits sharing etc);
  • Developing mechanisms to provide regular assistance, training and remote support to relevant GVL staff and communities in the implementation of the collaborative management policy.

c. Reviewing Existing Operational and Sustainability SOPs

  • Review all existing company policies and SOPs are currently under review, including for FPIC, internal and external Grievance, HCV-HCS, Waste Management, Health and Safety, Environment Management, Capacity Building, etc. The target completion period is Sept-Dec 2019;
  • Review of the implementation of existing SOPs;
  • Identification and development of additional SOPs and specific working instructions to support sustainable management.

d. Associate communities in the success of GVL investment in Liberia

  • Beneficiary communities have already been identified (co-selected with GVL-communities-IDH). A Rural Dynamic Diagnostic will be carried out in these areas as part of the process. The specific timing of the RRD will depend on on-going discussions.

e. Improvement in Human Resource Management

  • Establish collaboratively meeting program to ensure a close and rigorous collaboration among the various company departments/units. This include:
  • a close monitoring of operational activities and the proactive sharing of information with the human resource department on requirements under MoU Social agreements, such as recruitment and career progression for community members;
  • ensuring a full alignment with the Operation and Social team on planted areas planted prior to communication to the communities for employment.
  • Review policies and SOPs to ensure full compliance of workers status with the Liberia labor code;
  • Develop documentation and management system to address internal (employee) grievances, and to ensure closed monitoring and objective/constructive decision making;
  • Implement mechanisms for a transparent recruitment procedure;
  • Review the existing Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the Company and staff. The process incudes establishing (in collaboration with workers union) a social clause which prioritizes consultation and brainstorming with the management around issues;
  • An action plan is currently on-going to improve awareness/socialize employees on the corporate mind-set and culture.

f. Improvement in Communication

  • The GVL communication structure has been revamped to create a more effective bi-directional information sharing with stakeholders and the general public. This includes staff restructuring and review of communication policy and SOPS, and a redesign of the company website to improve content to proactively inform stakeholder (specific audience – internal & external) on GVL operations, such as:
  • How GVL engage communities in the FPIC;
  • How GVL engage communities negotiate the MoU SA;
  • GVL hiring process (skilled & unskilled position);
  • GVL grievance management
  • Updates on MoU implementation and constraints experienced by the company;
  • Updates on land development;
  • Updates on employment.

Read or download the Sustainability Action Plan details and implementation progress here

Progress updates can be found in our latest news

Write to us if you have any concerns and/or inputs
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