Butaw District, Sinoe County – Golden Veroleum Liberia acknowledges a go-slow action staged by workers in Grand Kru County as reported in the New Dawn article of 21 February and is pleased to report that the issue has been resolved and workers involved have resumed work.
This action, which lasted for several days, ended with a resolution signed between the workers, GVL management and the Workers’ Union, witnessed by members of the Grand Kru Legislative Caucus and local authorities.
On workers’ grievances with insurance arrangements, GVL would like to clarify that apart from the National Social Security which covers every employee in Liberia, all other third-party insurance such as SAAR Insurance is negotiated by the Workers’ Union directly with insurers. GVL management are not involved in these negotiations.
The contract alluded to in the article with SUNU insurance was to insure GVL’s asserts, such as vehicles, motorcycles and other equipment. SUNU does not provide insurance coverage for workers. Furthermore, SUNU’s contract with GVL was terminated in April 2023.
GVL provides housing with piped water and 24/7 electricity to qualified employees. Health facilities with professional nurses and essential drugs are in place at all of its farm sites to cater to the needs of its employees and their dependents. Other community dwellers benefit from the health facilities as well. The Golden Veroleum Educational Support (GES) program supports the educational needs of both GVL employees’ dependents and pupils from surrounding communities.
The company said most of the concerns raised by the workers have been addressed in the collective bargaining agreement negotiated by the Union which is expected to be signed in the coming days
GVL remains committed to improving the well-being of its employees and its host communities.