GVL Corrects Media Reports About Its Expansion To River Gee County

Monrovia – A report published online by the Analyst in its April 25th 2022 edition with Title “Golden Veroleum Begins Upgrading Development in River Gee” requires correction and clarification.

Golden Veroleum (Liberia) Inc. (GVL) was contacted by lawmakers from River Gee for expansion but it has informed the County Caucus that there are no expansion plans for now and when such arises, it may consider River Gee as it forms part of the gross concession areas signed for in GVL’s Concession Agreement.

GVL says the visit of a team from the Company to River Gee was for road assessment and not for expansion as was reported.

The oil palm company clarifies that it is not expanding at the moment due to an order to suspend development from the Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and the High Carbon Stock Approach (HCSA) as a result of complaints lodged by NGOs.  This is being addressed by its Sustainability Action Plan and the expansion to the Counties will be considered when it is completed.

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