Monrovia– In fulfillment of its commitment to support education in its operational areas, Golden Veroleum (Liberia) Inc. (“GVL”) has embarked on the rehabilitation of a number of schools under its GVL Educational Support (GES) Program in Sinoe and Grand Kru Counties valued at over US$ 270,000. The GES Program is intended to support the educational needs of both GVL employees’ dependents and pupils from the surrounding communities. The GES is in addition to the commitment for educational support delivered by GVL in its MOU/SAs with communities.
According to the Concession Agreement signed between GVL and the Government of Liberia, the company may, at its option, build new schools within its Concession Areas or invest in the existing local schools to provide primary and high school education to employees’ dependents. The Company may construct educational facilities where there are no existing primary and high schools within a reasonable distance of the developed areas.
The GES program is planned for three years having the Coordination Committee constituted in each county comprising of GVL personnel, union representatives, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to provide strategic guidance, to monitor and evaluate the performance and impact of the GES Program. The first phase prepared for the 2020 – 2021 academic year initially targets about 16 schools within Butaw, Tarjuowon, Numopoh, Tartweh, Kabada and Du-Wolee-Nynnue Estates in Sinoe County and about 6 schools in Garraway and Wedabo Estates in Grand Kru County.
Meanwhile, the construction works on the Shaw David Elementary School in Tarjuowon District and Quiah Town Public School in Numopoh, Sinoe County are nearing completion while fabrication of furniture for other schools are ongoing. Contracts for Grand Kru schools have already been awarded to contractors with construction capability to deliver the required works as per the GES Program.
GVL’s GES program will be reviewed based on the deliverables of the 2020 – 2021 academic year which specifically supports the provision of allowances for volunteer teachers in the selected schools and the provision of teaching and learning materials for the selected rehabilitated schools.