GVL Rejects Erroneous Report by Corruption Watch Newspaper Against its Operations in Liberia

MONROVIA – Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL) intensely rejects erroneous assertions by the Corruption Watch Newspaper contained in its Thursday, 26 May 2017 print edition about GVL Payroll system claiming that GVL is operating two payrolls, one for Liberian standard and another for international standard.

GVL challenges the Corruption Watch Newspaper to provide proof of its report. The report is fake and deceptive as GVL does not operate two payrolls but a single payroll for its 3,600 employees who are heavily based in Sinoe and Grand Kru. Such hugh employment makes GVL the largest private sector employer in the Liberian South East.  The company runs an annual payroll worth USD $9.5 million in annual cash wages and benefits to Liberian employees. The least employee in GVL is paid US$5.50 daily and given 50kg bag of rice in addition to health, education and housing facilities which are far above payment scheme in Liberia.

GVL believes its employment package is one of the best in the country for a company that has not earn income. Relations with GVL project communities has nothing to with employee’s payroll. GVL has a strengthened communications strategy with communities and other stakeholders in Liberia evidence by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the people of Butaw and GVL.

According to GVL Corporate Communications Coordinator Leroy Kanmoh as a result of its improved relations, GVL is developing rapidly with its project communities in Sinoe and Grand Kru. Recently, GVL broke grounds for the extension of the Butaw Junior High School to senior secondary school in the district. The project is worth USD$120,000.00.

Mr. Kanmoh says GVL has deposited into 6 community accounts at least US$92,000 dollars in community development fund across Sinoe and Grand Kru counties. The construction of 3 bed rooms Butaw clinic staff quarter is the first community development fund project funded by GVL. In Butaw alone for this year, GVL has constructed a US$52,000 road project, construction of 13 kilometer road linking Butaw seaside to the rest of Butaw is in progress while a US$33,000 nurses quarter is under construction in the district. GVL currently employed approximately 3,600 Liberians heavily based in Sinoe and Grand Kru counties. GVL donates annually to the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Agriculture a scholarship grant of US$100,000 for deserving Liberian students studying agriculture and engineering. Up to date, US$700,000 has been donated to the Ministry of Agriculture. Several community development projects are being implemented by Golden Veroleum Liberia in Sinoe and Grand Kru counties including and not limited to pit latrines, road rehabilitation and schools.

Golden Veroleum Liberia is a Liberia registered long term Business Company which seeks to work with Liberians to bring real industries and factories to Liberia especially in rural communities. GVL will continue on such path and remain a major contributor to local and national development in Liberia.

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