Sinoe County Association In Americas and Innovative Education Liberia Visit Golden Veroleum Liberia School System

A four member delegation from the Sinoe County Association in the Americas, Ambassador Enterprise and Innovative Education Liberia recently ended a multi-day visit to Liberia, including a day trip to Golden Veroleum’s Wakefield Nursery in Sinoe County. According to Professor Gary Friesen, who leads Ambassador’s educational technology programs, the visit was part of a long-term plan to help improve the educational system in Liberia. Under the Ambassador proposal, the potential for the program could positively impact in the Liberian Southeast. The pilot program will focus on students in grades 5-12, providing access to critical skills while improving mathematics using laptops, tablets and other digital resources. Running from 2015-2016 academic year, Ambassador and IEL will partner with five schools in Sinoe, including the Golden Veroleum School System, to benefit more than 600 students and 20 teachers, while an independent evaluation will provide a proof-of-impact and allow for program refinement for greater impact during the scale up phase. When the program is expected to be completed in 2020 nearly 120,000 students are expected to have passed through the program, which is projected to be in 700 Liberian schools and trained by 2,800 teachers.

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