GVL Constructs Schools……..

Sinoe County– Golden Veroleum Liberia has completed construction works on an Eight classroom High School building including eight bedrooms’ teacher’s residence and a modern market building in Butaw District, Sinoe County.

The School will provide quality education for children in Butaw District and its surroundings putting an end to students traveling long distances to acquire High School education

The new edifice which cost the company US$120,000, is in fulfilment of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed with the Butaw communities in February 2017 is expected to be turned over before the commencement of the next academic school year.

The new facility is expected to take in more than 300 pupils including those who are  currently attending the school from elementary to Junior High.

The company also completed construction of a modern market building valued at USD$40,000.00. The 24-tables market building which is expected to be turned over very shortly is expected to serve marketers from neighbouring Butaw District and surrounding communities including Greenville.


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