GVL Dedicates Elementary School in Grand Kru

Grand Kru County – As part of its commitment to support education in its operational areas in southeastern Liberia, Golden Veroleum (Liberia) GVL Inc. has constructed and dedicated a modern elementary school for more than 250 students in Trembo  Gbanken Community and its surroundings in Grand Kru County

The seven (7) classroom elementary school is part of the company’s ongoing commitments to support the development of local communities in Sinoe and Grand Kru where it operates through education and other basic social services.

The construction of the primary school in the area which is the first of its kind, means that students do not have to attend classes under dilapidated makeshift structures any more as it has been in the past.

Speaking at the brief dedication program, GVL’s Assistant Manager for Sustainability, Philip Wilson, said the project fulfilled a key commitment set out in the Memorandum of Understanding and Social Agreement signed between the communities and Golden Veroleum Liberia. “We see this as a key part of our relationship with you our partner community. The company will continue to work with local communities to improve social and economic opportunities,” said Philip.

Presenting the keys to the community, Mr. Wilson urged the school’s administration and the community to take good care of the building. He noted that the company has constructed the school, and it is now up to the community to manage the school and encourage their children to attend to realize the value of educating future generations of the community.

In separate remarks, Hon. Amajie Sieka, Trehn District Superintendent, the School Principal, Mr. Moses Wleh, the DEO, Mr. Nyemah Jones, the Township Commissioner, Hon. Jimmy Dioh, the Gbanken Clan chief, Hon George Dioh, the Warteken Paramount Chief, Hon. Henry B. Davis. lauded Golden Veroleum Liberia for the project, acknowledging that the project has brought relief and new hope for the Gbanken community’s’ children and youth. They disclosed that the building constructed is the first modern school structure in the Gbanken community, thereby describing the project as a blessing to the community.

“We are more than happy to have this modern school building for the first time in our community. GVL as a company continues to demonstrate its commitments to supporting development and improving our livelihoods. With the new building, our children are happy to come to school and learn under a conducive atmosphere,” they told GVL representatives.

Currently, GVL is investing over USD$200,000 annually to support Schools in Sinoe and Grand Kru Counties under its Golden Veroleum Educational Support Program (GES). GES is designed to support the educational needs of GVL employees’ dependents and pupils from surrounding communities.