GVL Policy on Hunting Activities

GVL operates close to some of the most important wildlife habitats in Liberia, and which are home to many important and protected animal species, such as chimpanzee (“baboon”) and Jentink’s duiker. Although GVL carefully avoids disturbing these habitats, some of them are threatened by hunting, logging and farming. GVL, our employees and contractors, have a responsibility to contribute to the conservation of Liberian wildlife and biodiversity.

This Hunting Policy serves to meet that responsibility and to reinforce National Law against the hunting of Protected, Endangered, Rare or Threatened species as defined by Law and in the IUCN Red List.

This policy is in place for 5 reasons:

  1. Liberian law bans the hunting of Protected species, such as chimpanzees
  2. It is required by our international customers and by our product certification body, the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO); in order to sell our products we must “control any illegal or inappropriate hunting, fishing or collecting activities, and develop responsible measures to resolve human-wildlife conflicts.”
  3. Some species can spread deadly diseases such as Ebola when handled as a result of hunting, trapping or capturing.
  4. Even if illegal hunting can produce food and income, there are now better food and income sources for those interested.
  5. We believe it is in the best long term interests of Liberia and is the right thing to do.

In addition to this policy, GVL will build awareness with employees, contractors and communities concerning the importance of wildlife and conservation and the issues regarding hunting or poaching especially of protected and endangered species.

  • NO hunting of species protected under Liberian law or endangered or rare species !
  • Traditional hunting / fishing of other wildlife for food allowed only outside of GVL operational areas and outside of work hours!

Failure to comply with the stated instruction is considered a violation of GVL policy and violators will be subject to internal investigation, possible dismissal or contract cancellation and may be reported to the authorities for due legal process, for any violation found to have occurred during company working hours, on company- administered lands or on company premises or any violation occurred by non-community employees or contractors. Any violation suspected of having occurred outside of company working hours, outside of company administered lands by local communities citizens, may be reported to the community and to the authorities for due legal process.


GVL respects Liberian traditional community rights that allow legal hunting and collecting on community lands by community citizens under Liberian National Law and Tradition.

GVL policy does not restrict such hunting rights of employees who are local community citizens and who wish to hunt outside of working hours and outside of community premises and farms. GVL only restricts illegal practices and activity on company time, on company premises or farms.

Employees and contractors who are not local citizens of the communities (e.g. people arrived due to GVL employment or contract from elsewhere) are forbidden from any hunting and collecting activities, even during non working hours and outside of company premises and farms, as they do not possess traditional enjoyment rights to lands belonging to community citizens.

  1. Restrictions regarding PERT species
    1. No hunting of any PERT animal anywhere, anytime (in accordance with Liberian law)
    2. No buying, selling, cooking or eating of PERT bush meat or derived products
    3. No trading in live PERT species
  2. Restrictions on company operational areas or in company vehicles
    1. No hunting or fishing of any kind at any time anywhere on GVL farms (unless for specific pest species eradication and specifically approved by management and relevant authority, if required).
    2. No transportation of any bush meat of any kind in company vehicles.
    3. No bush meat trading of any kind or shops are allowed on GVL farms or facilities.
    4. No hunting equipment of any kind may be stored in company premises or houses, or carried in company vehicles;
    5. No wild animals of any kind are allowed as pets or in company housing
  3. Restrictions on employees or contractors who are not local citizens
    Employees and contractors who are not local citizens of the communities (eg people arrived due to GVL employment or contract from elsewhere) are forbidden from any hunting and collecting activities, even during non working hours and outside of company premises and farms, as they do not possess traditional enjoyment rights to lands belonging to community citizens.

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