GVL Provides Pneumatic Fenders for Harper Port in Maryland County

Monrovia – in an effort to improve port facilities in rural Liberia, Golden Veroleum (Liberia) Inc. (GVL) has embarked on the purchasing of Pneumatic Fenders to be installed at the Port of Harper in Maryland County to prevent vessels from being damaged by sea waves against the pier structure.

The new Pneumatic Fenders will replace the current ones being used at the Harper Port’s pier and shall work as shock absorbers between the vessels and the berthing structures at the port.   The purchase of these new fenders which are valued at about US$30,000 is a response to international vessels’ owners complaining about the lack proper fenders to prevent ships from hitting the berthing structures.  The pneumatic fenders procured by GVL will not only support its own operations but will boost port operations in Harper, Maryland County.

GVL and Maryland Oil Palm Plantation jointly fully constructed a US$30m oil palm processing mill in Maryland County which currently has the capacity to process 40 tons of fresh fruit bunches per hour.  The crude palm oil produced by the mill is transported through the Harper Port in Maryland County and some by ground transportation to neighboring countries.

GVL also operates a mill of similar capacity in Tarjouwon area, Sinoe County with 5,000 metric tons’ storage facility presently at the Port of Greenville.


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