GVL Redundancy Exercise: GVL Clarifies Media Reports

Monrovia – Employees who were affected by the redundancy exercise carried out in May  2020 were provided with severance packages in keeping with applicable Laws of Liberia (Decent Work Act) and the Company’s Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with the  Golden Veroleum Agriculture Workers Union of Liberia (GOVAWUL), contrary to an article written by New Narrative’s Varnie Kamara and published by Front Page Africa on Wednesday May 26, 2021 titled “Hundreds Of Sacked GVL Workers Still Waiting For Jobs; Company Blames The Pandemic”.

GVL had said previously that the decision to reduce its workforce had to be taken to ensure the continuity of its operations in Liberia, as the company faces numerous challenges exacerbated by the global economic downturn and the impact of the COVID-19. (https://goldenveroleumliberia.com/gvl-to-reduce-its-operational-cost-workforce-redundancy-unavoidable/). This was done after extensive consultations with the Liberian Ministry of Labor and related government institutions, community representatives, GOVAWUL and affected employees, following the process dictated by law and the CBA.

GVL further clarified that it is implementing the Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) signed with communities within its operational areas, citing employment, construction and rehabilitations of roads, schools, health facilities and hand pumps among others.  It exceeds the employment to land ratio committed to in the Concession Agreement and MOUs even after the redundancy exercise.  It also pointed out inaccuracies in figures cited for land developed.  For example, in Tarjuowon 7,500 and not 19,000 hectares has been developed.

GVL said the writers visited its Monrovia office and conducted an interview with its Vice President for Strategy and Stakeholder Engagement but is disappointed that the above clarifications which were provided then were not included in the article, resulting in an incomplete and unbalanced depiction of the situation.

GVL stressed that it remains committed to continuing and maintaining a sustainable presence in Liberia and in improving the well-being and livelihoods of its employees and host communities.




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